NSW Treasury chief information officer Tracy Wilson has joined the Bank of Queensland after more than three years with the state government department.

Wilson has stepped into the chief information officer for core technology and group services at BoQ.
In her role, Wilson is responsible for the bank’s services experience to customers and employees and core technology platforms including all group services functions.
She reports to BoQ Group chief information officer Craig Ryman, who recently told iTnews the bank intends to go "all-in" on public cloud and "exit its traditional data centres”.
The NSW Treasury is now in the process of recruiting a new CIO to replace Wilson’s Sydney-based role.
“The role continues to have responsibility for core technology systems for Treasury and the sector, including the NSW budgeting platform,” an NSW Treasury spokesperson told iTnews.
“The Department of Customer Service (DCS) will continue to provide managed cyber security services through their shared platforms and provide Treasury with a customer facing security officer (CFSO).
“The CFSO has access to the team of cyber professionals at DCS to complete work for Treasury with priorities set by the Treasury CIO,” the spokesperson said.
Prior to joining the NSW Treasury in 2018, Wilson worked in the legal industry including holding the CIO position at Australian law firm Henry David York for over two-and-a-half years.
Wilson also was the CIO for law practice DibbsBarker and worked across multiple IT-led roles at legal and consulting services Minter Ellison and Hickson Lawyers.