AGL Energy has embarked on a transformation project that will see it switch out its existing SAP-based customer relationship management (CRM) for Salesforce.

The project is understood to come under a retail transformation that AGL briefly disclosed in its half-year results back in February.
Brief details of the CRM switch were revealed at a US technology conference earlier this month.
“We use SAP CRM at the moment, [but] we’re undergoing a transformation to Salesforce over the next six to 12 months,” head of marketing Tim Naylor said.
Naylor said that AGL’s contact centre agents, in particular, relied “really heavily on CRM systems to access customer information” but “faced challenges with an outdated and cumbersome CRM interface that really hindered productivity and user experience.”
“We’re really focused on improving our CRM interface and the user experience for our frontline staff,” Naylor said.
iTnews understands that AGL is currently mid-implementation with the CRM switch.
It is also understood that AGL is implementing Appian for low-code process automation as part of the same retail transformation effort.